
Title [Green Kids] "Climate crisis makes me more anxious" : K-Green Foundation surveys children vulnerable to climate crisis 2024-04-29


The K-Green Foundation, chaired by Choi Yul, has conducted a survey on the impact of the climate crisis on the home environments of low-income children who are vulnerable to climate change.

This survey, part of the "Climate Crisis Child Support Campaign," was conducted online and non-face-to-face from February 26 to March 4, targeting 101 households.

According to the survey results, 74.3% of respondents felt changes in their living environments due to the climate crisis, and 76.3% experienced anxiety because of the climate crisis. However, nearly half of the respondents, 43.6%, had a negative perception of adults' efforts to reduce the climate crisis.

Changes in the home environment due to the climate crisis included extreme heatwaves and cold spells (59.4%), an increase in pests (33.7%), and an increase in harmful environments such as flooding and mold due to heavy rainfall (27.7%). As for the support needed by children facing the climate crisis, priorities were cash assistance (37.6%), items like dehumidifiers (32.7%), and pest control and cleaning services (16.8%). Expected benefits through improvements in living conditions were reported as healthier bodies (69.3%), mental stability (53.5%), and happier family life (41.6%).

An official from the K-Green Foundation commented, "This survey confirms the urgent need for various supports for children in vulnerable groups affected by the climate crisis. We plan to launch a support campaign to help alleviate some of the inequalities faced by children in vulnerable groups facing climate disasters and to foster hope for a sustainable future."

Based on the results of this survey, the K-Green Foundation is set to launch the "Climate Crisis Child Support Campaign" on March 19. This campaign aims to raise awareness of children's rights in the climate crisis, promote social concern and participation, and improve living environments to realize environmental welfare

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